The Youth Development Leadership Training Conference which takes place in October, focuses on issues and initiatives supporting positive youth development, runaway and homeless youth, and afterschool programs and services. The conference offers colleagues the opportunity to share best/promising practices, learn skill sets to assist youth in achieving their goals and hear updates on federal, state and local issues and initiatives impacting the youth development field.
Each February, ANYSYB sponsors a Youth Leadership Forum through funding by a legislative grant. During this two-day event, youth convene at the Empire State Plaza in Albany, NY to participate in keynote and workshop sessions, and on the second day, youth and Youth Bureau representatives are encouraged to set up appointments with state representatives. The forum is an interactive leadership and educational seminar offered to youth (ages 12 and older) and Youth Bureau personnel from across New York State. Youth engage in fun teambuilding exercises, participate in discussion groups, and are inspired to bring what they learned back to their communities. There is no limit to the number of youth that can register under each Youth Bureau and there is no fee for youth to attend.​

2024 Keynote Speaker
Naomi Vladeck, Certified Life Coach, Creativity Matters Coaching
2023 Keynote Speaker
Wayne Winsley, Founder & CEO, Brave Enough to Fail, Inc.

2022 Keynote Speaker
Jeremy Butler, Chief Administrative Officer, ICAN & Event Specialist, Grand Dynamics International (GDI)

2019 Keynote Speaker
Tonier Cain, Trauma Survivor, Trauma Informed Care Expert

2018 Keynote Speaker
Ken Nwadkie, Jr., Peace Activist, Video Journalist, Youtube Personality

2017 Keynote Speaker
Dr. Yusef Salaam, Advocate, Producers & Board Member, The Innocence Project

2016 Keynote Speaker
Regina M. Clark, CSP, International Speaker, Author & Founder, Creative Performance Solutions, LLC

2015 Keynote Speaker
Mark Fenton, National Public Health, Planning, and Transportation Consultant - helping to build more walkable, bike friendly environments