Comprehensive Federal Grant Opportunities
Allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies.
NYS Department of Labor
Provides workforce development information, programs and grants.
NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services
Funds for local agencies to design juvenile crime prevention programs.
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services Administration for Children & Family Services
Invites eligible entities to submit applications for grants serving low income persons and families when the new announcements become available.
School Grants
Writing Resources/Data
Brookings Institute
Private non-profit organization devoted to independent research and innovative policy solutions.
Child Trends
Non-partisan research organization dedicated to improving the lives of children by conducting research.
Gives a list of grant-related terms and their definitions.
National Academy of Sciences
The report from the NAS entitled Community Programs to Promote Youth Development studies the important elements of adolescent well being and looks at the features of successful youth development programs.
National Kids Count Data Book
National and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the U.S.
Nonprofit Quarterly
Provides values-based management information and proven practices.
Nonprofit Works
Helps organizations build their capacity to do more through strategic planning, grant writing, board development and training.
U.S. Census Bureau
In addition to extensive and detailed information on the population of all villages, towns, cities, counties and states, this site reports federal expenditures by programs at national, state and county levels.
Adopt Us Kids
Small grants to support efforts on behalf of adoptive parents who address the needs of children with special needs.
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Makes grants, funds demonstrations, provides services, delivers technical assistance and disseminates data and analysis to foster public policies, human service reforms and community supports that more effectively meet the needs of today’s vulnerable children and families.
Center on Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE)
CIRCLE provide grants for research on civic engagement that is conducted by youth. Research teas that include youth & adults working together, or research teams of youth and adult mentors are welcome to apply.
Is the largest online scholarship search available.
Fundsnet Online Services
A comprehensive website dedicated to providing nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities with information on financial resources available on the Internet.
Hazen Foundation
Private foundation which seeks to assist minority and disadvantaged young people achieve their full potential.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Makes grants for a multitude of youth issues.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Grants available in Youth & Education, Health, Food Systems and Rural Development.
William T. Grant Foundation
Awards grants that “deepens and broadens the knowledge base in areas that contribute to creating a society that values young people as a resource and helps them live up to their potential.